DEAN, Assoc. Prof., PhD LIVANDOVSCHI Roman
The faculty of Business Management and Administration was established in 2002 through the absorption of two faculties with a rich history and traditions - Management and Marketing.
The mission of the faculty is to train qualified specialists and develop scientific research in the field of business administration, thus promoting the entrepreneurial spirit and developing the economic environment.
The Faculty of Business Management and Administration has a considerable academic and research potential and is considered a leader in the economic university space of the Republic of Moldova in training professional managers.
Student-centred education and aware ness of their needs determine the man agement of the faculty, chairs and the academic staff to adjust the curricula and adapt it to the real needs of busi nesses, which provide additional op portunities for graduates’ employment. Partnerships with businesses offer the opportunity to perform internships for students, or even to find a job even be fore graduation.
Fields of study/Areas of specialization
- Business Management and Administration (Business Management and Administration, Acquisitions, Intellectual Property Management);
- Marketing and Logistics
- Commodity Science and Trade
- Tourism
- Commodity Science and Trade
The students are actively involved, guided by professors, in various, national and international academic contests and scientific events.
- The economic contest “Today a student, tomorrow an entrepreneur”
- Students’ contest “Best Marketing Plan”
- Debate Club BIZZ CLUB
- Start-up Academy
- Photo exhibition contest “My Europe”
- International Symposium of Young Researchers, etc.
MANAGEMENT - Head of the chair: Angela SOLCAN, Assoc. Prof., PhD
MARKETING AND LOGISTICS - Head of the chair: Oxana SAVCIUC, Assoc. Prof., PhD
TOURISM AND HOTEL SERVICES - Head of the chair: Elena TURCOV, Professor, Dr.Hab.
PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORT - Head of the chair: Vasile SCUTELNIC, Honourable coach of the RM
61 Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni str.,
Building A, 4th floor, rom 404,
Chişinău, MD 2005
Tel.: +373 22 402 731; +373 22 402 710
website: www.baa.ase.md
e-mail: baa_decanat@ase.md
Facebook: ASEM – Faculty of Business Management and Administrtion